Event to lead the way in creating a fairer, greener future for Plymouth
Local businesses are being invited to take part in an event that will help to shape a more prosperous and inclusive future for Plymouth following the pandemic.
Hosted by the Inclusive Growth Group of Plymouth Growth Board on 21 June, Inclusive 2040 will explore the current and emerging pressures on key sectors within the city. It will use existing data to look at what the future holds and where radical approaches are needed to move towards a more inclusive city for 2040.
Plymouth is a great environment to live and work, with a strong leisure and hospitality offer to both locals and visitors. It has nationally significant economic strengths in manufacturing, marine and maritime, defence, health education and technology.
However, the sectors that are driving the city’s economy are where full time, well paid jobs are predominantly held by men. Recruitment and retention in these sectors is proving a challenge – graduates are leaving the city for better opportunities and wages, older people are stepping away from careers, lack of flexible working is excluding some women and many others don’t have the right skills.
The event programme includes:
- Key-note speaker, Stephen Evans, CEO of the Learning & Work Institute
- To set the scene for Plymouth as part of the UK economy
- Scenario planning with Matthew Finch from the SAÏD Business School
- Exploring scenario planning and help identify where radical approaches are needed
- Data and prospective scenarios with Fiona Tuck from Metro Dynamics
- To help understand future scenarios
- Facilitated session to agree next steps
- Communication to the current and future workforce about changes in jobs and employment
We are able to run this event with funding from the Interreg programme through our C-Care project which finishes on 31 March 2023. So, this is a unique opportunity that will really help us shape the future of Plymouth.
Inclusive 2040 takes place on Tuesday 21 June, 12.00 to 17.00. While places to attend in person at Market Hall, Devonport are very limited, there is plenty of availability to attend online. Book your free space here.