Plymouth City Council’s Plymotion team are running an exciting workplace cycle challenge from 14 June to 11 July.
The Plymotion scheme exists to encourage people to use greener and healthier ways to travel around Plymouth and cycling is one of those ways!
The Workplace Cycle Challenge ‘Every Ride Counts 2021’ encourages staff both individually and in teams to make as many journeys by bike as possible throughout the challenge. Whether you are working from home or commuting, any journey you undertake counts towards your total number of trips. There are some great prizes to be won!
Registration is open on the Every Ride Counts 2021 website and will close on Sunday 13 June. Everyone who registers will be entered into a prize draw and we’d encourage you to sign up quickly as the first 20 people to register will also win Plymotion cycling goodies!
For more information and to register please visit the Every Ride Counts 2021 website.