The South West Innovation Expo is a flagship event for innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, academics and support agencies leading to greater and sustainable collaboration, investment and increased productivity in science and technology. A succession event to the hugely popular Venturefest SW, the SW Innovation Expo will:

Connect businesses, entrepreneurs, investors and students in the South West with each other.

  • Inspire businesses and students to become more innovative and ambitious in the way they work and to seek and grasp opportunities.
  • Create a sense of mass and momentum that gets the area noticed by businesses, investors and governmental organisations outside the South West.
  • Support a Clean and Green Recovery after the impacts of COVID-19.
  • Champion the most cutting-edge innovation, technology and entrepreneurship coming out of the region.

The event is spearheaded by the Universities of Exeter, Falmouth and Plymouth.

Register below for the morning ticket admission from 08:30 till 12:30 (GMT) or the afternoon ticket admission from 13:30 till 17:30 (GMT).