Come and take advantage of professional legal and accountancy advice for your business or practice by attending free 1:1 sessions, provided by the South West Creative Technology Network!

Held virtually, book your 1:1 with Ashfords and/or Saffery Champness for individual advice.

You must be a member of SWCTN, join here.

Legal and Intellectual Property services provided by: Ashfords

Ashfords is a national provider of legal, professional, and regulatory services.

We work with creative clients to help them make the most of their commercial opportunities, and effectively manage risk, and so help them focus on “what they do best”.

Collaboration with SWCTN

We will support SWCTN Members by providing legal and IP advice either face to face or through presentations to help you understand more about the legal aspects of business and to highlight any areas of law that may be applicable.

Why contact us?

We can help advise such questions as:

  • What are the differences between sole trader, partnership, limited company etc and what is best for you?
  • What constitutional documentation and other agreements will I need to have in place for my business, e.g. shareholder agreements?
  • How will my business be managed day-to-day?
  • What are the legal implications of approaching investors?
  • Are there any intellectual property rights within my business that I will need to consider and possibly protect?
  • How do I prepare my business for sale and the legal process for such a sale?

Accounting and Access to Finance advice by: Saffery Champness

Saffery Champness is one of the UK’s Top 20 accountancy firms with offices across the UK and in some overseas locations. We act for clients across a variety of sectors and as part of this we work with entrepreneurial and early stage growth businesses.

Collaboration with SWCTN

We will support SWCTN creative businesses and entrepreneurs with an opportunity to understand more about accountancy and how they can access fi nance to fund their venture.

Why contact us?

We can help advise on such questions as:

  • What structure is best for my business?
  • What do I need to consider with the day to day bookkeeping and financial management?
  • How will my business be taxed and what are my annual reporting requirements?
  • What tax relief is available for my sector? Would I qualify for R&D Tax Credits?
  • What should I consider when approaching investors?
  • What types of finance is available for my business?
  • What is cloud accounting software and should I be using it for my business?

Contact to book sessions with one or both of the firms.

This is specially geared towards the Creative Industries, those working in Tech, Startups and non-traditional business featuring leading lawyers and accountants working in this area.