PSP tenant Devon Training Hub recently provided 13 students from Plymouth schools a great week of practical skills, role and presentations all around the different roles within health and social care.
They covered the following areas:
- Overview of the NHS and Healthcare
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Blood Pressure, Pulses, Temperatures
- Bone Structure
- Pathology and Bio Medicine
- Clinical Information Systems and the Patients Journey through referrals
- Dementia and Research Trials
- Royal Naval Medical Positions
- Basic Life Support, Anaphylaxis CPR and Defibrillator Training
- Interview and CV Skills
- Health Checks and Phlebotomy
- Theatre Work
- Occupational Therapy, Strokes, Epilepsy and Neurology
- Dietetics
- Midwifery
- GP Services, patient consultations
- Paramedic Service
They worked in collaboration with other Science Park Users, Re-cognition, Royal Navy, Sentinel Healthcare and the Paramedics through Plymouth University, as well as teams from Derriford Hospital, Livewell and Primary Care. The students had an amazing time and really enjoyed all the things they learnt throughout the week.