“Plymouth Science Park Park is a thriving hub of innovation, and I look forward to supporting its continued growth and impact within Plymouth, across the South West and beyond.”

Dave Hockton, Interim CEO at Plymouth Science Park

Meet the Plymouth Science Park Senior Management Team

Dave Hockton

Interim Chief Executive Officer

Steve Holland

Stephen Holland

Estates & Premises Manager

Jonathan Harris

Jonathan Harris

ICT Operations Manager

Jacques Wood

Senior Digital Applications Engineer

The Senior management team is supported by an experienced and enthusiastic set of colleagues.

Leigh Cossey-Haggar

Leigh Cossey-Haggar

ict support analyst

Steven Fitzpatrick

steven fitzpatrick

ict support technician

Fiona Carmichael

fiona carmichael

Estates & Premises Coordinator

Ellie Murphy

Ellie Murphy

business development assistant

Natasha Magor

natasha barwick

Estates & Premises Facilitator

Louise Jane

louise jane

business services assistant

Iwona Chan

iwona chan


Scott Thomspon

Scott Thompson

Management Accountant

Benjamin Larsen Picture

Benjamin Larsen

Digital Applications Engineer

The park is a joint venture between University of Plymouth and Plymouth City Council.

Plymouth Science Park is a company limited by guarantee with a board of directors comprising:
  • Chris Richards
    Chair of Board
  • Prof. Kevin Jones
    Executive Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Plymouth
  • David Draffan
    Director of Economic Development and Deputy Head of Place, Plymouth City Council
  • Tudor Evans
    Leader, Plymouth City Council
  • Andrew Hardingham
    Non-Executive Director
  • Kerry Hayes
    Non-Executive Director
  • Amber Morley
    Non-Executive Director
  • Trevor Wills
    Member Director, University of Plymouth
  • Ian McFadzen CEO
    Chief Executive Officer, Plymouth Science Park

Wherever you are heading, find out if Plymouth Science Park is the dynamic environment to help you get there.

Contact us to discover more and to arrange a visit.