Following the broadcast of the National Institute for Health Research virtual awards ceremony, the winners and highly commended nominees have been announced.
Following the broadcast of our virtual awards ceremony, we are now happy to share with you the winners and high commended nominees for our Research Awards 2020. The awards celebrate innovation and excellence in health and care research across Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset.
Going digital
As the glitzy evening award ceremony, we had planned wasn’t suitable in the midst of the global pandemic our ceremony moved, like much of our work, online. Researchers from across the region gathered around laptops and computers to watch the announcement of winners for each of the 12 categories. The announcements were shared on our Twitter feed reaching over 12,000 people in two days. The engagement continued the high level of interest shown by the 190 nominees from across the region.
During the ceremony shortlisted nominees heard addresses from Dr Pauline McGlone, Chief Operating Officer, CRN SWP, Dr Michael Gibbons, Clinical Director, CRN SWP and Dr Richard Laugharne Deputy Clinical Director, CRN SWP.
‘Everyone who’s involved in research is a winner’
Dr Michael Gibbons said: “The way in which we work has changed as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, but what’s quite clear however is our commitment to patients has not. Our commitment to getting patients into research has not changed.
“Everyone who’s involved in research is a winner. Even if you haven’t had an award today you are still a winner. You’re a winner because you have given patients the opportunity to be involved in research which will allow a better understanding of their condition.
“Give yourself a massive pat on the back and continue to work in the way that you do so we can continue to give our patient even more opportunities for the future.”
And the winners are…
The Winners and Highly Commended Nominees of the National Institute for Health Research, Clinical Research Network, South West Peninsula, Research awards 2020 are:
Research Allied Health Professional Award
Winner: Emma Lamarti, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Highly Commended:
Research Occupational Therapists, Devon Partnership Trust
Neil Powell, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Contribution In A Community Setting Award
Winner: The ODDESSI Trial Team, Devon Partnership Trust
Highly Commended:
Prof Katrina Wyatt, Dr Andrew James Williams, David Aynsley, Becci Gowers, Kelly Stevens and Dr Lisa Price, University of Exeter and “TR14ers”
Lydia Hall, Teign Estuary Medical Group
Early Career Network Award
Winner: The Trainee Emergency Research Network (TERN)
Highly Commended:
PRISM SW (Pulmonary Research Inter-Site Matrix (PRISM) South West)
PACT (Primary Care Academic CollaboraTive)
Early Career Researcher Award
Winner: Dr Holly Sugg, University of Exeter
Highly Commended:
Linda Solbrig, University of Plymouth
Kim Kirby, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Innovation Award
Winner: The SWP Digital Solutions Team with Amicus Health
Highly Commended:
Sarah Levio, Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Michael Visick, Bianca Mills, and the RCHT Team, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Patient Research Experience Award
Winner: The Cardiac Research Team, Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust
Highly Commended:
Debbie Hughes, Lisa Felmeden, Alison Summerhayes & Justine Sutton (DAPT study team), Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Principal Investigator Award
Winner: Dr Duncan Browne, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Highly Commended:
Dr Philip Keeling, Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Neil Powell, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Public Engagement Award
Winner: Dr Lyndsey Withers
Highly Commended:
PaReNt Systematic Review Project – Rebecca Whear, Harriet Hunt, Kate Boddy, Alison Bethel, NIHR ARC South West
Kate Boddy, Kristin Liabo, Emma Cockcroft, Tanya Hynd and Nicky Britten, NIHR ARC South West
Research Administrator or Co-ordinator Award
Winner: Mia Jones, Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust
Highly Commended:
Gina Townley, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Nicki Allott, Roborough Surgery
Community and Primary Care Professional Services, University of Plymouth
Nurse or Midwife Award
Winner: Sarah Benyon, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
Highly Commended:
Debbie Hughes, Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Helen Black, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust
Research Practice Award
Winner: Claremont Medical Practice Research Team
Highly Commended:
Rame Group Practice
Rehan Symonds, Kathryn Beck, Gill Besley and Dawn Diprose, Oak Tree Surgery
Outstanding Contribution Award
Winner: The Haematology Research Team, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Highly Commended:
The Home Study Team, Devon Partnership NHS Trust
The PenCHORD Team, NIHR ARC South West
Outstanding regional contributions to research
Winners will receive a glass trophy and Highly Commended shortlisted nominees a framed certificate to mark their achievements. We’d like to thank IQVIA for sponsoring the trophies.
We’d like to thank all the people involved in organising the awards and we hope to be in a position next year to celebrate together in person. A special thank you also goes out to all those that took the time to nominate exception researchers, teams, and organisations from across the South West.
Please share your Research Awards 2020 experience using the hashtag: #SWRes2020
Pictured: Andrew Appelboam presents Hamza Malik, SW Peninsula TERN Representative, with the SWP CRN Early Career Trainee Network Award.